Source code for reuse

Collections of useful python functions.

__version__ = '0.0.3'
__author__ = 'Yunfeng Wang'

import glob
import os

[docs]def check_exists(path): """ Check if the directory exists. Args: path (str): path to a directory or a file. Returns: bool: if path exist, return True, else return False Example: >>> dir_path = '/path/to/not/exist/dir' >>> check_dir_exists(dir_path) False """ run_assert(isinstance(path, str), 'path must be a str') return os.path.exists(path)
[docs]def create_dir_if_not_exist(dir_path): """ Create the directory if it didn't exist. Args: dir_path (str): path to directory that to create. Example: >>> dir_path = '/path/to/dir1' >>> create_dir_if_not_exist(dir_path) """ run_assert(isinstance(dir_path, str), 'dir_path must be a str') if not os.path.exists(dir_path): os.makedirs(dir_path)
[docs]def concat_path(parts): """ Concatenate multiple parts to get a complete path. Args: parts (list): list contains each part of the path. Returns: str: concatenated path. Examples: >>> parts = ['home', 'myname', 'project'] >>> path = concat_path(parts) >>> print(path) home/myname/project >>> parts = ['/home', 'myname', 'project'] >>> path = concat_path(parts) >>> print(path) /home/myname/project """ run_assert(all(isinstance(p, str) for p in parts), 'each element in parts must be a str') return os.path.join(*parts)
[docs]def list_file(path, ptn=None, sort=True): """ List files in given directory. Args: path (str): path of target directory. ptn (str): pattern to selected certain type of file. Defeault: None. sort (bool): if set to True, return sorted list of files. Returns: list: files in the directory that match the pattern. Example: >>> path = '/path/to/my/dir' >>> ptn = "*.py" # only choose *.py file >>> list_file(path, ptn=ptn, sort=True) ['/path/to/my/dir/', '/path/to/my/dir/'] """ run_assert(isinstance(path, str), 'path must be a str') if ptn is not None: run_assert(isinstance(ptn, str), 'ptn must be a str') if ptn is not None: path = os.path.join(path, ptn) files = glob.glob(path) if sort: files = sorted(files) return files
[docs]def list_dir(path, sort=True): """ List directories in given directory. Args: path (str): path of target directory. sort (bool): if set to True, return sorted list of dirs. Returns: list: a list contains subdirectories in the directory. Example: >>> path = '/path/to/my/dir' >>> list_dir(path) ['/path/to/my/dir/dir1', '/path/to/my/dir/dir2'] """ run_assert(isinstance(path, str), 'path must be a str') all_in_dir = glob.glob(path) dirs = [d for d in all_in_dir if os.path.isdir(d)] if sort: dirs = sorted(dirs) return dirs
[docs]def run_cmd(cmd): """ Run a Bash command in python. Args: cmd (str or list): the Shell command to execute. Returns: int: 0 if runs successfully, other value if fails. Example: >>> cmd = 'ls -l' >>> run_cmd(cmd) -rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 4651 Nov 10 20:19 >>> cmd = ['ls', '-l'] >>> run_cmd(cmd) -rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 4651 Nov 10 20:19 """ if isinstance(cmd, str): return os.system(cmd) if isinstance(cmd, list): run_assert(all(isinstance(c, str) for c in cmd), 'each element in cmd must be a str') cmd = ' '.join(cmd) return os.system(cmd)
[docs]def run_assert(cond, out): """ Run assert and output out if failed. Args: cond (func): condtion to judge True or False. out (str): output when assert fails. Example: >>> i = 20 >>> run_assert(isinstance(i, str), 'i must be a str') AssertionError: i must be a str """ assert cond, out
[docs]def read_from_file(file_name): """ Read content in a text file. Args: file_name (str): name of a text file. Returns: str: all content in the text file. Example: >>> content = read_from_file('/path/to/a.txt') >>> print(content) print('hello') """ run_assert(os.path.exists(file_name), 'file doesn\'t exist.') with open(file_name) as f: return
[docs]def write_to_file(content, file_name): """ Write content to a text file. Args: content (str): content wanted to write to file. file_name (str): name of file to wirte. Example: >>> content = 'line1\tline2\tline3' >>> write_to_file(content, 'a.txt') """ run_assert(isinstance(content, str), 'content must be a str') run_assert(os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(file_name)), 'parent dir of file_name doesn\'t exist') with open(file_name, 'w') as f: f.write(content)
[docs]def flat_list(ll): """ Flatten a list of list to a list. Args: ll (list): a list has elments of type list. Returns: list: one dimension list. Examples: >>> lol = [[1, 2], [3, 4]] >> l = flat_list(lol) >> print(l) [1, 2, 3, 4] """ run_assert(isinstance(ll, list), 'll must be a list') if len(ll) == 0: return ll if not isinstance(ll[0], list): return ll return [e for l in ll for e in l]
[docs]def parent_dir(path): """ Return the parent directory of a path. Args: path (str): a str contain a POSIX path. Returns: str: the parent directory of target path. Example: >>> path = '/path/to/my/a.txt' >>> parent_dir(path) '/path/to/my' """ run_assert(isinstance(path, str), 'path must be a str') return os.path.dirname(path)
[docs]def full_name(path): """ Get the full name (name + '.' + extension) of a path. Args: path (str): a str contain a POSIX path. Returns: str: name of the file or dir in path. Example: >>> path = '/path/to/a.txt' >>> fill_name(path) 'a.txt' >>> path = '/path/to/mydir' >>> fill_name(path) 'mydir' """ run_assert(isinstance(path, str), 'path must be a str') return os.path.basename(path)
[docs]def pure_name(path): """ Get the name with extension of a path. Args: path (str): a str contain a POSIX path. Returns: str: name of the file or dir in path. Example: >>> path = '/path/to/a.txt' >>> pure_name(path) a """ run_assert(isinstance(path, str), 'path must be a str') return os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(path)[0])